eLearning Marketplace Learn Terms of Use
By using this site, you are agreeing to and understanding the following terms of use:
You acknowledge and accept that all content (including text, graphics, images, illustrations, audio, software, animation, and video) that you publish on this site must conform to the requirements of the Copyright Act 1968. In particular:
- The Minister for Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology asserts legal and beneficial ownership of all Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property Rights:
- created by eLearning Marketplace staff in the course of their employment
- created by consultants, contractors, or visitors where:
- the generation of the Intellectual Property has required the use of eLearning Marketplace resources and has resulted from the use of pre-existing Intellectual Property owned by eLearning Marketplace
- the Intellectual Property has been generated as a result of funding provided by or obtained by eLearning Marketplace from external parties, including State and Commonwealth Government Agencies
- You must obtain written permission for all content created by another author or where the rights reside with another publisher, and these must be appropriately acknowledged.
- Copyright of published material already resides with the Minister for Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (South Australia).
You accept all liability for any legal action resulting from content published by you on this site in relation to the access, transmission, retrieval, storage, or display of all materials, including but not limited to:
- sexually explicit material
- hate speech or offensive material
- material regarding illicit drugs or violence
- material regarding criminal skills and/or illegal activities
- material of a defamatory, discriminatory, or harassing nature.
Note: All material must form part of a legitimate educational activity; otherwise, it is strictly forbidden on this site.
Commercial Use
You will not use this site for any form of commercial gain, such as promotion or solicitation, that is not approved by the Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology.
Software and Viruses
You will not knowingly transmit software or any form of computer virus or file that contains a harmful component.
Editing and Deletion
You understand that any material published may be edited or deleted at the discretion of the administrators of this site.
You acknowledge the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and will ensure that materials will be presented in an accessible form where possible. For help in developing materials that meet accessibility guidelines, see the following resources:
Note: Adobe Flash is no longer supported by major browsers.
eLearning Marketplace does not tolerate plagiarism or cheating, and a penalty may be imposed if you are found to have done so. Refer to the Plagiarism & Cheating information on the eLearning Marketplace website for further details.
eLearning Marketplace reserves the right to update and change these terms and all documents incorporated by reference from time to time. You can always find the most recent version of these Terms of Use in this site's main menu or footer.
Note: Violation of any of the above terms may result in immediate suspension or removal of your access to this site and/or criminal or civil prosecution.